
You never call...you never write...at least do something to let us know you're still alive!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sifting through the last nine months...

So it's that time of year again - 4 days before I pack up and take off for a summer abroad in some foreign country - this year? New Zealand! And I am très excitée!

There will, of course, be tons and tons of blog entries from New Zealand with everything from my work at the Te Papa Tongewara Museum in Wellington, to trips to the mountains to go snowboarding (oh, yes, snowboarding in July - boo yah!)

Of course, before I can go, I have things to finish up here - among which, the monster of an independent study that turned into 100 pages of "I may never see the light of day again"

Of course, I'm also packing up my few (thank god!) belongings here in LA - and putting off doing the last of my laundry like a pro!

Next post should come to you straight from Auckland - hopefully with pictures :)

For now...Bye Los Angeles - see you in September!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Heather!!!

To my best friend in the wholest, widest, world - it's your birthday!!!

My 'Birthday Msg Bombing Campaign' is now complete!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

9 Months in LA...

I guess as my first ever blog post, I should introduce myself and why I decided to do this...

The point of this blog, really, is to keep family and friends updated on my comings and goings - on top of the fact that I'm incapable of staying in one place for very long, I'm also REALLY bad at communicating....which often leads people to think I've fallen of the planet, gotten eaten by wild life or died in some other tragic accident most likely of my own doing.

It also gives me the chance to post about some of the conservation projects that I've been working on and will be working over the summer for anyone who's curious about that part of my life.

So I've survived my first nine months in LA - and we can't say that it went without adventures!
I met some great friends and went some amazing places. Hopefully over the summer I'll get on top of catching up on some of this stuff...of course, I'll be doing that in New Zealand.

So ciao for now LA, I'll see you again in the fall for round 2 - for now, gotta pack me snowboard up and get ready for an extended winter - boo yah!