
You never call...you never write...at least do something to let us know you're still alive!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Te Papa - the beginning of AWESOME!

Ok...so there's some good news, some bad news, and some ok news...

We'll start with the good news - I have some absolutely amazing stuff to work on this summer - and I've only seen the first few weeks worth so far - seriously, I never want to leave!

The bad news - I can't post pictures of anything I work with on the blog because of copyright issues and ownership blah blah blah - the point is - no pictures = :(

The ok news - I will be a guest author on the Te Papa official blog starting sometime next week (once I convince the museum printer that it truly does want to print my release form...) so I'll be able to post images from some of the things that I work on there and I'll link to it from this blog.

So, what is some of this great stuff?

1. Currently treating iron/steel corrosion on a train set from the 1930s for an upcoming exhibit on the 20th century in New Zealand
2. About to start assessment and treatment on a steam engine model - the coolest part of that is that it's a model of the steam engine that they put on my train on Sunday (and I can put picture of that one!
Steam engine with one of my little traveling companions, Caitlin (in the pink shirt) =)
Looking toward the bed and window (view of the harbour!)

Looking toward the kitchenette

It might be only about 100 square feet - but it's got everything I need - microwave, toilet, shower, tv and internet - the bed's great too :)

That's it for now -

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